Recounting Our Days

“Time is flying.” “Where has time gone?” “How can it already be summer?” heavy sigh.

Do you find yourself saying these words, sighing those sighs? Me too. Last month I was talking to someone about this and we both felt convicted that our mindset toward time is as if it got away, but we’ll catch it next month. Though I’m sure we can agree that prioritizing an intentional use of time is good, what we’re really saying is, “Hopefully I’ll do better at grasping control on every aspect of my life next month.” This isn’t how I want to perceive time.

So, in an effort to celebrate days and months even if they surprise us or wiggle out of our grasp at high speeds, let’s recount our days, celebrate the joys, and at the end say with a contented sign, “it was just as He planned it”.

A few happening around here…

  • Flowers are blooming (including a new birthday orchid) and I am delighted at this new life literally springing up from the dirt!

  • I finally found a pair of tennis shoes I like - Thank you, Allbirds.

  • I picked up my film camera for the first time since last Fall, finally sent off my France film to be developed (only 8 months later but it’s fine), and have been trying to document little moments of this season.

  • A few flights here and there.

  • Walking season is in full swing! In the spring of 2020 I started walking more and now cherish a good walk after dinner when the weather is nice.

  • What I read: Digital Minimalism & finished A Gentleman in Moscow.

  • Hosted a book club evening on The Awakening of Miss Prim in which the group had very differing opinions on the book. It was almost too controversial for my peace-maker self! Have you read it? Thoughts?

I need to pause and talk about Digital Minimalism for a moment. Though I don’t always choose to read books like this, it stole my attention in the most refreshing way. It goes in depth regarding what our society has become because of media’s presence everywhere and in every moment - tv, social media, texting - and why reclaiming control over media usage is important for the sake of productivity, mental health, and life-giving relationships with others. The book doesn’t say to throw your phone out the window (though that does sound nice sometimes), but it does urge us to use media with intentionality, because if we don’t, soon we’ll find time flying even faster because of the seemingly harmless, yet often addictive, qualities of media. If you’re still in fact reading this, 1. Thank you, 2. Check out the book.

Take a moment to reflect - what are some simple blessing in the past month that you’ve already forgotten in the busyness of the present?

Bouquet Making

Book Club: North and South